Jun 16, 2005 17:59

My Best Friend (Answer all to the best of your knowledge)

Your name: effie

His/her name: pooka

Your age: 20

His/her age: that lucky whorebag just turned 21

His/her favorite band: coheed, atmosphere, fiona apple, bjork

His/her favorite animal: HERBERTS. the ones with feathers.

Do you have a song, what is it?: the bird by atmosphere always reminds me of her, anything by fiona apple, and of course "it's not up to you" by bjork.

What's your breakup anthem?: anything on fiona apple's "extraordinary machine" album.

The real love of his/her life: she's got a fantastic new thing.

Is he/she over her/him yet?: she's over the other guy if that's what you mean. WAY over him.

Does he/she sleep with a stuffed animal?: she sleeps with a mob of small dogs.

If he/she could go on tour with any band, who would it be? bjork or coheed.

What's his/her favorite color?: green

If you could give your best friend one thing, what would it be, and why?: a full scholarship to the art school of her choice and a guaranteed job at any animation studio she wants to work at.

Describe your best friend in 3 words: creative, extroverted, generous

What celebrity would you have to say your best friend looks like?: lisa kudrow

What is his/her favorite movie?: alice in wonderland

Is your best friend more of a club/show guy/girl, or a homebody?: she's a gemini so it's one or the other but never in between.

Does your best friend play an instrument, name one: the skin flute hahahahah, no that bitch just makes weird, high-pitched noises mostly.

Does your best friend wear glasses?: negative.

Have you seen your best friend cry?: yeah

What is your best friend's favorite food?: whatever she's in the mood for at the moment but you can guarantee it's something complicated and delicious. food network addicts for life.

Does your best friend have a current crush?: she has an awesome boyfriend.

Does your best friend have an ipod, if so, name at least 3 albums she has on it, if not, name 3 albums you think she'd have on it: if pooka had an ipod she'd have vespertine by bjork, seven's travels by atmosphere and the extraordinary machine by fiona apple.

Are you tired of this survey yet?: no way, i love talking about this chickenhead.

How did you two meet?: mrs. victores' geometry class.

If of the opposite sex, why not just get married?: dude, that would be INSANE.

If your best friend's house was burning on fire, what would you think he/she'd try to preserve?: her boyfriend or paintings.

Does your best friend have a job or go to school, what does he/she do, how much does he/she make, or what is his/her major?: she's the asst. mgr at gamestop (OMG G4M3R GRLZ R H0TTT) and gets paid sick, and she's a fine arts major.

Does your best friend have a livejournal, what's their name?: pookajessie

What time is it?: 5:55

You're done, how do you feel?: full, too much ice cream :D
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