Oct 20, 2005 15:11
So I've been learning how to play loads of stuff on the guitar. Popular opinion would be that I'm quite terrible, but I actually quite enjoy it and think it sounds nice except for the impossible F chord. I've also started using the word "right" a lot to mean "okay" since I've been reading the Harry Potter series for three months straight. I love that that happens! Also, boys and mutual attraction confuse me. It's annoying how people will refrain from asking things because the questions' impropriety when the answer might actually be important. I'm not technically being vague there, because I'm not referring to a specific incident. So, I'm being specifically vague. Whatever. Either I won't survive the real world, or I'll bounce along not letting bad things get to me. Do you think it's true that quality of time spent together overrides quantity of time spent together? I read that on a cheesy greeting card, but I really hope it's true. So yesterday, I was crossing the street after tutoring and this absolute PIG of a man had his huge dumb SUV parked over the whole freaking pedestrian crosswalk. When the little white/blue hand lit up to clearly indicate that it was the pedestrian's turn to cross, I walked up within two feet of his window and waved all energetically at him with my face squinched up and then proceeded to walk around his OBTRUSIVE vehicle into the intersection, so ENDANGERING my LIFE, and the b.astard HONKED at me! WTF???? So I turned around and threw my arms up into the air with a look on my face which I hope suggested, "OMG WTC why are you honking at ME? It's your own fault for being an A.SSHOLE!" But he like LEERED at me so I just muttered "a.sshole" and kept walking. Oh, what a BOOR. Yeah. I have load of homework to do and please comment! my cousin's (ninth) birthday party is tonight so I have to go do some homework before I pass out from an OD on family fun. Right. Bye!