May 27, 2004 19:05
So, the big things for today were:
1) The two presentations in techlab taking 80 minutes and boring everyone out of their minds.
2) The review of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in Gov, complete with incorrect statements and history by Mr. Torrence.
Since it's regionals, there almost nobody at practice today; both Coach P and Coach James are at Lake Braddock for the meet. Ergo, it's Make-Your-Own Workout Day. I did hurdle drills (walkthrus and jogthrus), then did 4X3 Hurdles at the normal high school height. Then I moved the hurdles up to college height, and moved the 2nd and 3rd hurdles in one foot closer. I went over these 4 times, then set up the hurdles at full college height and distance and ran that twice. Even though I wasn't hurdling particularly well today, I still three-stepped the college height ones each time. Awesomeness all over!