Howdy partner, i just got back like an hour ago from softball againts the Angels! we won 12-7 baby! woo-hoo! But like everyone left right before the game ended to i didnt really get to talk to anybody.. haha, cept for Alex, Pat, and Mike.. Mike n' Ike. well the reason why my subject is fun daya is kind of sarcasm because this day was very lame.. I got picked up from a sleepover with chelz, beth, and Kermie at 10:30 when we went to bed at like 5:00 so I was pooped. Then we went to the cideo store and got like 5 free movies because I used my report card A's to get free movies! woo-hoo! Ok, so me and my mom got Hitch, Racing Stripes, In Good Company, and Boogyman. My mom, sis and I watched Hitched when we got home, and then I had to take a nap because i was pooped from last night. Then I got up at 5:30, got dressed and went to my softball game! Sounds like an awsome day eh?
Beth and I also learned what you call a Giraffe and an Elephants baby! YAY, were smart!
Chelz and I acted out Ken and barbie to the song
Barbie Girl.
Kermie- Jeese, Beth gets more action today than most 7th graders have! HAHA good night ladies.. ***no no no no dont phunk with my heart***
well im going to start making a card for my dad for Fathers Day! HAVE YOU MADE ONE?.. i bet not.. tisk tisk
P.S (come to Linda's Dance Recital at Groves High School to see me, Lindz, Alex, Kermie, Erica, Sara A, Izzy, and more shake our TALE FEATHERS! WOO-HOO!)