Honey is Good For You

Sep 10, 2010 13:07

7/2010 report from Cardiff School of Health Sciences in Wales
n = 655 men
41 of those men reported eating honey regularly
followed them for 25 years, examined diets
honey eaters significantly less likely to die
‘hazard ratio for all-cause mortality’ dropped 56% even when adjusted for possible confounders
(95% confidence limits 0.23, 0.86; P<0.017)

Curr Aging Sci. 2010 Jul 5.

Honey, Health and Longevity.
Cooper RA, Fehily AM, Pickering JE, Erusalimsky JD, Elwood PC.
Centre for Biomedical Sciences, Cardiff School of Health Sciences, University of Wales Institute, Cardiff, Western Avenue, Cardiff CF5 2YB, UK. rcooper@uwic.ac.uk.

Honey is a broad spectrum antimicrobial agent which can enhance wound healing. A beneficial effect in cancer has been shown in cell cultures and in animal studies and a number of further nutritional and physiological effects of relevance to health and function have been shown for honey. A representative sub-sample of 665 men within the Caerphilly Cohort kept a weighed dietary record for seven days. Risk factors for vascular and other diseases in 41 men who recorded eating honey suggest that these men were on the whole healthier than the 624 men who had not recorded honey consumption. All-cause mortality during 25 years of follow-up was considerably lower in the men who had consumed honey, the hazard ratio, adjusted for a number of possible confounding factors, being 0.44 (95% confidence limits 0.23, 0.86; P<0.017). Because of the small number of subjects and of deaths in this study, further data from other large cohorts will be required before any effect upon mortality and other
health effects of honey consumption can be adequately evaluated.
PMID: 20735343

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Previous honey articles by Jacob Schor:
*2009 Honey Research Update: http://denvernaturopathic.com/HoneyUpdate2009.html
*2007 Colony Collapse Disorder: http://denvernaturopathic.com/2007HoneyUpdate.htm
*2006 Of Honeybees and Cellphones: http://denvernaturopathic.com/honeybeecollapse.htm
*2005 Fructose vs: Honey: http://denvernaturopathic.com/news/fructosejp.html
*2005 Honey Baklava Recipe: http://denvernaturopathic.com/news/honeybaklava.html
*2004 Honey and Surgical Wounds: http://denvernaturopathic.com/news/honeyandsurgery.html
*Honey, Eczema and Psoriasis: http://denvernaturopathic.com/honeyandeczema.html
*Honey and Blood Antioxidant Levels: http://denvernaturopathic.com/honeyincreasesantioxidants.html
*Honey and Herpes: more effective than Acyclovir: http://denvernaturopathic.com/news/honeyherpes.html.

sugar, herpes, psoriasis, honey, diet, bees, food

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