Monday Monday

Jan 12, 2009 06:02

Pouring rain out there. I got up at 5:30 am because the cat woke me up, and I knew I had only one more hour until my alarm lit up....and would not sleep anyway. I have a quiz at 7:30am every Monday. Today it is on the Clinical Physical Diagnosis of heart pain, palpitations, high blood pressure, coronary artery disease and more broadly atherosclerosis. Interesting stuff.

This is going to be a high speed week. I'd like to check out a new Anusara yoga class tonight. Tuesday I may get to draw blood again. Wednesday is choir in the evening, Thursday I have my security shift, on top of the regular course schedule. My head is usually spinnng by Wednesday each week. Friday after class I'm leaving for Bend, to go skiing for a few days with a collection of cool classmates. Suz checked the snow conditons, and there isn't much snow. I might not take my back country skis after all. There is no one from the school group who would want to do the kind of skiing that I enjoy (breaking your own trail on unfamiliar terrain, avoiding avalanches, finding views). I'll wait until Thursday to decide for sure. I will return from skiing on Monday, and will not be posting from there. So there will be some livejournal silence from liveonearth.

Vida the pug is snoring by the fire. The clock is ticking on the wall. I can hear trucks going by on 17th Ave, and water tinkling from the bedroom. I set up my water fountain (an Arne ceramic piece) in the bedroom to help us sleep through the party noise from downstairs. It worked, I think. Now for a few sun salutations, with the beast in front of the fire.

skiing, nd2, my life

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