I just had a flight of fantasy in which our upcoming presidential election was between the Green Party candidate and the Libertarian Party candidate. I know it's as likely as the proverbial snowball in hell, but I can imagine it.....and I imagine that we would have dramatic and immediate change.....none of this parroting the word as if it meant something on its own.......we would have a reduction in imperialist activity, a removal of corporations from the governmental feeding trough, a balancing of the budget and a plan to deal with the deficit..... We would have healthcare, one way or the other, not more federal subsidies to pharmaceuticals. We would have open debate about all the great many subjects that have become taboo to the powers that now be, the Democrats and Republicans that have lost my respect. Our two party system is failing us, and we need some real change. Obama isn't it.
CYNTHIA MCKINNEY was a congresswoman from Georgia for 12 years, and this is her impassioned speech accepting the nomination of the Green Party for president.
Rinku says the Green Party is only on the ballot in some 38 states, so she has zero chance of winning, but if just a few people hear her out, we will be making progress. Here we have the first 10 minutes or so of her speech, there's more available if you want.
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