QotD: Women's Place

Feb 02, 2018 16:10

“Women have their place
in this world,
but they do not belong
in the canyons of the Colorado”

-Buzz Holmstrom in 1938

I ran across this quote while reading a current piece about sexual harassment of women in the whitewater industry.   I worked in that industry for a long time, but I had the good luck to begin at the Nantahala Outdoor Center which was one of the most egalitarian river businesses out there.  I had been warned but later I found out for myself about residual sexism in the Grand Canyon river industry.  I was based in Flagstaff for 7 years in the 2000's, and witnessed river men behaving as if it were still 1938.  Time for an update, fellas.  You don't get to decide the place of women.

sexism, men, the west, grand canyon, whitewater, isms, river

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