Water storage barrels, screw top, for sale in Portland:
http://www.waterbarrelspdx.com/Home_Page.html OPB special on the Cascadia earthquake: Unprepared
http://www.opb.org/news/series/unprepared/ PBEM (Portland Bureau of Emergency Management)
has posted 17 videos about preparedness, accessible here:
https://www.portlandoregon.gov/pbem/article/400345These videos are required viewing for NET volunteers.
The NET training video on UTILITIES is here:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CXA_-P1rHdU&feature=youtu.beOn utilities from Unprepared:
http://www.opb.org/news/series/unprepared/how-to-safely-turn-off-utilities-after-a-disaster/ Gabriel Park is a BEECN (Communication Node) location:
https://www.portlandoregon.gov/pbem/59630 Sign up for Portland Emergency Alerts here:
http://www.publicalerts.org Join a Portland Neighhood Emergency Team (NET) and get free training:
https://www.portlandoregon.gov/pbem/31667 The CERT program overlaps with the NET program:
https://www.publicalerts.org/community-emergency-response-teams-cert-neighborhood-emergency-teams-net On Forming a CERT (community emergency response team).
http://www.fema.gov/community-emergency-response-teams Living on Shaky Ground, a print publication on inform preparedness
On seismic retrofitting houses, creating a preparedness kit
http://www.oregon.gov/omd/oem/plans_train/earthquake/shakygroundmagazine_final.pdf Cascadia Subduction Zone plan
State level document for perspective
http://www.oregon.gov/OMD/OEM/Pages/plans_train/CSZ.aspx Oregon OEM earthquake awareness page
http://www.oregon.gov/OMD/OEM/Pages/plans_train/earthquake.aspx For Teens:
Without Warning comic book ;
Go-Kit Passport Portland’s Earthquake Response Appendix
for info on local community response
https://www.portlandoregon.gov/pbem/article/382005 Portland Bureau of Emergency Management’s
webpage called “Preparedness Resources”
Click here or visit
Pet Owners: Portland has one of the highest rates of pet ownership in the nation.
Prepare your family and pets!
Click here or visit
https://www.portlandoregon.gov/pbem/63348 Annual quake drills: Shakeout
http://www.shakeout.org PBEM (Portland Bureau of Emergency Management)
(5o3) 823-4375
Prep Oregon
A volunteer organization with many good resources for helping people get ready for anything.
http://www.preporegon.org State level Questions: call Zachary Swick
Emergency Preparedness Planner, NIMS Program Coordinator
Operations and Preparedness Section, Oregon Military Department
Office of Emergency Management
Tel: (5o3) 378-2911 Ext. 22233, Fax: (5o3) 373-7833
About what you might expect immediately after a quake
http://motherboard.vice.com/read/first-five-minutes-big-one-earthquake About the rest of that same day, with a little bit about the NET system