first post

Jun 04, 2002 15:59

everyone's gotta have one, right?
I am going to ignore any significance a first posting may (or may not) have and jump right on my keyboard with both feet. I love the voyeuristic feel of reading other people's blogs and LJ's, but my enjoyment is always snuffed when people get too fucking clever. There, I'm off to a good start; I've taken a controversial "anti-clever" stance, I've probably offended someone (no, love... I swear I'm not talking about YOU-- Your posts are all LOVELY), and I used the word "fucking" in my first 3 sentences. Yay for me!
This journal was prompted by a fantastic trip home to LA... Trip home. That sounds wrong, doesn't it? Ya'll know what I mean.
I got a sunburn, saw dolphins, saved baby lobsters, went to a wrap-party, ate dim sum and sushi, saw old lovers, old friends, and REALLY old friends! (Holy Shit! James Dockery!!! He works at the CIRCUS for chrissakes!)caught a ride on a ferry, a fairy, with strangers, and on a golf-cart. I went to RHPS at the Nuart, and watched in helpless awe as every single person there stole my heart. That means YOU! Yes! You!
So here I am on the LJ, thanks to Dave.
I hope this thing works... I didn't violate my anti-clever stance, that's for sure. Post a comment, add me to your list... let me know you are out there, beautiful.
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