Jan 28, 2003 19:47
A very close family friend of ours in Jo'burg passed away last night.
The most special wonderful Christian I have ever had the privilege to love. He was inspiring just by His unwavering faith and love in a God he so much desired to see face to face..it encouraged me so just being with him and hearing him testify through his pain and weakness.
He was 84 and really ready to go - so close to God and so much in love with His Maker. I'm really not there yet but I'm striving towards it..God needs to work in me. Actually I can't do it on my own. A life so READY. Nothing standing between me and heaven.
One comfort is that he went straight into the arms of the One he loved with all his heart and i'm not just Saying that.
Mortality is always a shock though. We think we know all about it but then you lose someone and you realize you don't know an eighth of IT and will never know IT.
and it always makes me question, examine myself. I should be doing it all the time I know. I've lost a few friends in sudden death and some weren't as assuredly peaceful as this one was.
We were just with him over the weekend..we stay with this particular couple every time we go down to Joburg. Rather like extended family. We actually went down to drop our Aussie family off at the airport - they had been with us for a week directly after Europe. We had a wonderful time with them.
We're all grieving for the man we'll never see in this flesh again but I know he's so much happier.