Apr 17, 2011 20:56
OOC Information:
Name: Tenny
Age: 21
MSN: hushabye.harvey@hotmail.com
Y!M: N/A
E-MAIL: hushabye.harvey@hotmail.com
IC Information:
Name: Hanna Falk Cross
Fandom: Hanna Is Not A Boy’s Name!
Timeline: I mean, he’s the titular character. I’m going to go with our Conrad and have an imaginary pocket of time just before the Ples case.
Age: 24
Appearance: Skinny (110 lbs) little shit with sometimes-brushed red hair and heavy black reading glasses. Massive blue eyes that peeeeer into souls from his 5’2.5” height. Hanna tends to go a little nuts for the stripes and checkers, and he keeps clean…mostly. Sometimes there are just more important things to do than take a full shower! He’s wearing deodorant, whattaya want?
(Really, even if he’s a little greasy, he doesn’t smell much-if you’re in tune with it, you might catch a whiff of the magical that’s tainted his blood. It smells like death. Anyway, you don’t wanna get too close regardless, no one needs to notice the massive scars across his torso. They’re stapled shut, but it’s still not the prettiest thing, really. Not that bad, but not pretty.)
Abilities: Hanna is a paranormal investigator, but he’s got one foot in their world and one foot in the human world and one foot stepping towards the gra-wait.
Point is, he’s not just sitting around, thinking about how weird the paranormal is. He’s done a lot of studying too! Hanna is an encyclopedia for the supernatural, albeit it an encyclopedia with all it’s pages torn out and taped back in out of order, with crayon drawings on the texts and sharpie mustaches and boobs on all the pictures.
None of that is to say he’s incompetent-he may not be too physically strong, but he can get the lid of a pickle jar, even if he has to use his awesome magic hammer! Well, magic meaning just that it’s runed. But he does have a magic marker-that’s for more runes. Mostly he uses them for finding and binding and fighting with ghosts and that kind of thing, but he’s got some experience with vampires (ahahahaha, sorry Conrad) and expands his diplomatic repertoire at every given opportunity!
He does runes. Magic runes. Is what I’m saying. Defensives charms like shields and protective spells, and then offensive stuff. Like lasers. Magic lasers
Personality: Hanna does everything too hard. Anything he does, from introducing himself to getting tucked into bed at night, he throws himself whole-heartedly into it, even when he doesn’t really care. He’s frank (often tactlessly so) and forward and well-meaning above all things. Well. Above most things anyway.
He’s really smart, but not very together, and tends to start talking and keep talking even when he doesn’t know what he’s saying-so he sounds pretty retarded, uh…a lot of the time. In fact, between his height and his distracted state of being, he's often mistaken for a much younger person. And really, the assumption isn't terribly off point. His instinct is to explore and that means people, places, things--all sorts of ways to define nouns. He's an investigator, after all!
Still, he’s as loyal as a really loyal dog, like a golden retriever or something. In fact, that’s probably a good dog to describe him in general, if you had to use a dog! He’s uh, he’s not really good with animals though. Tenacious is another word that you could use to describe a dog that you could also use to describe Hanna. I mean, not tenacious like an asshole tenacious--if he thinks an issue is pretty meaningless, he'll let it go. If you won't tell him what your middle name is, no big deal, whatever. But if he's trying to buy a movie for movie night and you don't say which movie you prefer, he'll hound you till the dogs come home! You do have a preference, it's not cool to pretend that you don't!
But in all seriousness, Hanna's a bit hard to pin down. He's friendly, but his forwardness makes it hard for him to make friends. He's a scrapper, but his physical weakness keeps him from being too much of a threat. He's mad driven, but it's a little hidden behind the fact that what he's driven for is usually food or sleep or oddball shit that puts most people off. For all of that, if he takes you into his circles, God help anything that tries to hurt you. He'll bite into it's throat and thrash till it goes down (provided, naturally, that he can find the throat, and that he can actually reach it).
History: I guess if you wanted to know about how Hanna got to where he is, you’d probably have to take a crowbar to his trunk of memories, because that box is locked and rusted shut. He’s a lot less than comfortable with telling you about the ghost he encountered at sixteen that threw him headlong into his interests in paranormal, or about his crazy (dead) parents, or about the old guy that traded him magical instruction in return for booze runs.
But what’s great is that in the past couple of months, his investigation business has picked up! He’s gotten a lot of cases-okay, so maybe not all of them pay, but the last vampire case worked out just great, and he got a new-a third new partner out of it! I mean, he already had his undead co-investigator keeping him smart, but Conrad (eheh, sorry! They seriously didn’t mean to vamp-ify you!) is actually pretty cool to have around, even if he’s kind of obnoxious sometimes. He’s had his essence sapped by a powerful vampire, his friend’s home invaded by a half-selkie, his soul disturbed by a vengeful ghost! Also, with all of this business, maybe he hasn’t been performing as well as he should be performing at CheapChoppers…
Ratings: All
Death: He’s not a-scared! And I’m not either. If we can figure out a good way to kill him occasionally, I don’t hink he’d mind too much.
Smut: I’m down if you’re down and if it works.
Yaoi/Het/Yuri: I play Hanna totally straight, so he’s only gonna hit on the ladeeeez. Probably not very smoothly.
Roleplay Sample - Log:
He knew that his manager was watching him as he struggled with the tag-maker. He knew that the balding man was watching with that tired sort of argument-with-my-stay-at-home-wife-and-dropped-my-bagel-are-you-seriously-doing-this-to-me-punk way, and he knew that his manager didn’t hate him, but he still felt kinda bad because he knew that he wasn’t gonna be able to fix the tag-maker. In fact, he was probably going to br-
“/Damn!/” He hissed as the number slider popped off in his hands. Blue eyes jerked up, tiredly and desperately finding his concerned manager, who was already headed over, wide hands dragging over his own over-worked face.
“You know how late it is, Cross?” He growled.
Hanna giggled, shoulders slumping. “…Uh, is it spoon o’clock yet? Y’know, like that hour when you’re so freaking tired that everything is just hilarious? Like, someone says ‘spoon’ and y’can’t stop laughing? Everything is just-heh-“ The broken tagger clacked in his hands. “-hilarious?”
Roleplay Sample - Journal:
Whoa, whoawhoawhoa-hang-hang on. [Have a nice shot of his white standard issue sheets, one of the wall, a sickening swing up to his face finally, and Hanna peers at the Faciliberry sternly for a moment before teetering grin cracks over his face.] Did I get it? I got it. Yeah, I got it-Hey! Who’s here? This places smells…really clean. Not that my place smells filthy, but it’s like freaking Lysol and bleach and “fresh cotton breeze” air fresheners in here.
Is anyone cooking?
God, I’m hungry.
hanna cross,