can you handle... handle thisssss???

Apr 28, 2005 18:00


also known as TODAY!

FiRsT hOuR - aiding, grading, how fun

SeCoNd HoUr - science, kopec, what could be better?

ThIrD hOuR - no singing! free day... had a chitchat with caitlyn and hilly in the hall hah

LuNcH - lip-talked with caitlin... yes sam d. you are a loser hah jk... blowing minds.. WoOOoW :)

FoUrTh HoUr - nothing... wanted to gaze at the stars but there were none! so loser me had nothing better to do than help steve with his project

FifTh HoUr - espanol! worked on  the test review... and read caity's note :) and :( wrote her back too

SiXtH hOuR - nothing... did spanish with suz! got a 100 on the petsch quiz yayyy

SeVeNtH hOuR - theater stuff... macbeth stuff.. lauren/susan/kendall... the bathroom is NOT haunted, lol... and i got written down for being a good kid! haha sam h.

TrAcK - not bad. no running really. i'm a hurdler! yayy and i high jump! booootyyy it girllllss hahah cait and leeg and cait and my handshake... unbelievably awesommeeee :)

so i believe i am a tad bit sick... not fun. friday everyone is going to alli's but guess what??!! i'm having my own party with sami at the mallll yyayyyyyy :)! lol. i'll be there in spirit! woohoooooo. saturday... alan's house! yayy fun fun. going to see my persian ppls.

haha livejournal drama is funnnnyyy mannn

((hense the entry below))

love always


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