Dec 02, 2004 18:55
Well well well, it's official. my livejournal is back. for those of u who care, AIR HIGH FIVE. for those who dont.... *middle finger*. anyway, today was a good day. went to work, did my geocode, goofed off, labeled some flashlights, u know, the usual slacking off. yeah im not a package handler anymore, i got promoted like a month and a half ago. go me, i rock. hard. last night was fun, even tho botta dicked me at first, but its cool. i talked to shawn for a while on the phone, and then went out, so the rest of the night was great. so screw u botta. well except for when i got home and me and shawn got into a fight =(... I SAW EDDIE ROBINSON LAST NIGHT!! yay, i loves him, hes my fav copper. im supposed to call him this weekend so we can go out with some of the guys from the firehouse, so we'll see about that. anyways tonight i went to the mall. i got 2 bras from victorias secret and i got free lip gloss and free perfume :D yay, and then i went to pacsun and got a pink hurley shirt and a white billabong shirt, they're so cute... I SAW JOEY TROY!!!!! he works at pacsun, i was so happy to see him. i love that boy.
i havent updated in a long time, so for those of you who dont know... my grandmom almost got murdered last week. she went to the bank while i was at work, and some fucking nigger followed her home from the bank, all the way to our house. then she got out of the car and she walked up to the front door, and when she got there she felt something pushing her from behind, so she turned around, and theres this 6'1 nigger standing behind her, trying to push her into the house... and she was like can i help you? and he was like 'i need to use your phone' and she was like 'well u cant, my grandson is upstairs using it' and he goes 'well lets go inside and find out' so my grandmom, trying not to get shot, went inside and he followed her in and said "where the phone, i need to use your phone" and she said "well you cant, i told u before my grandson has it upstairs" and then he goes "well then give me some money, i need some money" and she said "i dont have any money, you have just as much money as i do" and he says "then give me your cell phone" and she was like "why would an old woman like me have a cell phone" and then she was like "oh wait, why dont i call the cops, im sure they'll be able to help you out" and with that, he walked out of the house and left. so then my grandmom called the police and mike came and sat with her for a while and talked to her, trying to calm her down... so now the cops are watching my house, just in case he tries to come back, cause they think it could have been a home invasion. so then my grandmom called me at work when mike and the other cop left, and she was all upset and i got really scared and it was just horrible. he could have killed her if he wanted to, and that really scares me. a lot. if their conversation got any worse, he could have just started hitting her or something... and that makes me cringe, it really does. so i gave my grandmom a baseball bat and iw as like "you know how to swing a bat right" and she was like yeah why and i was like good use it if u need to. that makes me so mad, and so scared, that something like that happened to us, he figured that since she was a little old lady who was like bent over and couldnt walk really easily, he thought he could get to her. well fuck him, if he comes back ill kill him. and for those of u who know me, u know i will kill him too, because of what he did to her. this is just another reason that i hate niggers. and if ur black, or friends with anyone whos black, oh well, sucks for u. fucking niggers
well im off to make some easy mac and get into some comfortable clothes and relax... later homeskillets