Offered: Fanfic

Jul 01, 2008 09:30

Offered: Fanfic

Offer: I will write some brand spanking new fanfiction of no less than 3000 words in any of the following fandoms: Harry Potter, House, Doctor Who, Torchwood, Good Omens, or Heroes. This includes crossovers. I will crossover any of those fandoms together, or any of those fandoms with any fandom that I've written before (see below for links to my work). Heck, I'd even try three-four-five-way crossovers if that's what you're wanting. I will write ANY pairing, ANY rating, anyTHING with the caveat that I will only write NC-17 with characters who are 18 or older. You can find organized links to my work here, or you can browse by fic tags on my journal. I don't really specialize so much as write a wide variety of pretty much anything. So basically... I'm happy to write what you tell me. :)

I will also add that the 3000 words is only a minimum and if the bidding gets high I'd be happy to do a longer fic if that's what the recipient desires.

Contact: shyviolet (at) gmail (dot) com

Delivery: Fic shall be delivered to the winner by November 1. I would like to reserve the right to post the story in my own journal after it is completed, and ask that it not be published publicly without my permission.

Minimum Bid: $10

book: good omens, tv: doctor who, book: harry potter, tv: house md, tv: heroes, seller: violet_quill, offered: fanfic, tv: torchwood

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