Offered: Fanfic

Jul 01, 2008 01:08

Offered: Two fanfics One fanfic of at least 2500 words in any of the following fandoms:

Baccano! (Luck/just about anyone, Claire/Chane, Firo/Maiza, Ladd/Lua; no comedic characters, please)
Battlestar Galactica (Kara/Leoben, Baltar/Six, Baltar/Gaeta, Adama/Roslin, Adama/Tigh, Gina/Cain; no Lee, am iffy about the Eights)
Digital Devil Saga (Serph/Heat/Sera, Argilla/Jinana, Gale/Lupa, David/Jenna, Roland/Argilla, Roland/Greg; no Bat)
Doctor Who (any and all Companion ships; Nine and Ten preferred, but will also write Two if the situation demands)
Final Fantasy VI (Locke/Celes, Locke/Setzer/Celes, Leo/Celes; no Relm, no Strago)
Final Fantasy VII (Zack/Cloud/Sephiroth/Aeris in permutation, Cid/Vincent, any Turk combination; no Yuffie, no Nanaki)
Final Fantasy XII (Reddas/anyone, Balthier/Fran, Balthier/Ashe, Drace/Gabranth, Dr. Cid/Venat, Vayne/Venat, Vayne/Gabranth; would prefer to stay away from Vaan)
Firefly (Mal/Inara, Simon/Kaylee, Simon/River, Kaylee/River, Jayne/Simon, Mal/Simon, Mal/Jayne, Zoe/Wash; all characters and pretty much all ships, too)
Persona 3 (Akihiko/Mitsuru/Shinjiro, Junpei/Chidori, Akihiko/Junpei, Mitsuru/Fuuka; no Yukari)
The Sandman (all characters, very open to crossovers with other canons)
Tokyo Babylon / X/1999 (Seishirou/Subaru, Kamui/Fuuma, Aoki/Karen, Sorata/Arashi, Yuuto/Kanoe, Hokuto/Kakyou; all characters)
Yami no Matsuei (Tsuzuki/Hisoka, Tsuzuki/Muraki, Hisoka/Muraki, Tsuzuki/Tatsumi, Muraki/Oriya, Hisoka/Oriya; all characters)

I will write virtually any pairing for the fandoms listed -- not just the ones in brackets above -- though I prefer pairings that are, if not canon-compliant, at least canon-plausible. (I have an expansive definition of canon-plausible, though.) I am open to crossovers and AUs, though I'd prefer it if you discussed the details of those with me beforehand.

I will write gen, het, slash, or femmeslash for any of the above fandoms, of any rating. My work tends to feature snark, banter, and wit; wordplay; theatrics; passion, both its positive and negative aspects; powerplay; strong, capable female characters; genuinely dysfunctional characters; consequences and dealing with them; physical and/or magical combat; tension; loyalty/devotion; restraint and when it snaps; bittersweetness; and unusual or abnormal thought patterns. If you're going for porn, I tend to write dubcon, genderbending (from crossdressing to actual genderswitch), xeno, blindfolds, physical restraint, fighting as foreplay, experience differences, consensual rough sex, and sex that reveals or develops character. I don't enjoy gender stereotypes, one-note stories (both relentless fluff and relentless angst go here), bodily wastes, pregnancy, or romanticizing dark themes. (If you want noncon, talk to me about it first.)

For examples of my work, check out my tag list, which is sorted by fandom and character. If you want a fic from a fandom on my tag list but not on the list of fandoms I'm offering, talk to me and we'll see if we can work something out.

Contact: puella.nerdii at gmail dot com or a private message on LJ would be best.

Delivery: The fic will be written, edited, and posted by September 15.

Minimum Bid: $5

Buy It Now: $30

ETA: One fic has been purchased with the Buy It Now option, but bidding on the second fic is still open!

anime or manga: tokyo babylon, game: digital devil saga, tv: battlestar galactica, seller: puella_nerdii, game: final fantasy xii, anime or manga: x/1999, tv: doctor who, game: final fantasy vi, tv: firefly, anime or manga: baccano, comic: sandman, offered: fanfic, anime or manga: yami no matsuei, game: persona 3, game: final fantasy vii

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