Offered: Original or Fan Art

Jun 30, 2008 21:47

Offer: I will draw two black-and-white pictures for you, provide you with high-quality scans and mail you the originals. The pictures can be portraits and/or landscapes, fandom or nonfandom. If you choose a landscape, you may ask for a color picture. If you choose a portrait, it can be of anyone you choose, including yourself or a family member, friend, etc. (Just send me something to work off of in that case.) More than one subject per portrait is okay too (i.e. family portraits or shots of you with your partner). Work will be hand-drawn in charcoal, graphite or chalk pastels, and the original copies will be in a frame-able condition (sorry, I can't provide a frame, though).

Preferred fandoms: Supernatural, Without a Trace, Magnificent Seven (tv), Stargate: SG1, Stargate: Atlantis, Heroes, Highlander. Other fandoms okay too, but if I haven't seen it, I'll ask you to provide source pictures. (You can provide them anyway, if there's a specific picture you'd like drawn.)

Almost all of my art is offline, but I recently got back into it and have some SPN pics here and sketches here.

Contact: pyrofae at mad dot scientist dot com

Delivery: Within 4 weeks of us working out the details together.

Minimum bid: $10.

Buy It Now: $30.

seller: desertport, offered: original art, tv: stargate: atlantis, tv: supernatural, offered: fanart, tv: highlander, tv: magnificent seven, tv: without a trace, tv: stargate: sg1, tv: heroes

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