Offered: Fanfic

Jun 30, 2008 22:35

Offer: I will write fanfic of no less than 1000-3000 (maybe more) words in the following fandoms: Supernatural (Wincest, set post S3 finale), CWRPS (J2 only, non-AU), Harry Potter (Sirius/Remus, Harry/Ron, Ron/Draco, though am open to discussing other pairings), or Chuck (Casey/Chuck). I'll write anything from PG to NC-17, though I'm most comfortable right around the R mark. I'm pretty open about kinks (barring scat/watersports/necrophilia/under 16) and I can do mpreg in Supernatural or Harry Potter. Feel free to email to talk about more specific kinks if you wish! :-D


Delivery: I will have your story written by Sept 1.

Minimum bid: $5.

Buy It Now: $30.

tv: chuck, book: harry potter, rpf: j2, seller: sparkysparky, tv: supernatural, offered: fanfic

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