Offered: Editing Services

Jun 30, 2008 19:35

Offer: I will edit up to 20,000 words (can be divided into multiple pieces) of fanfiction and/or original fiction. I have been a fiction editor for friends for years, and have offered my services for fanfiction betaing over the last three and a half years. My specialties are spelling/grammar, word choice, sentence structure, characterization, dialogue, and plot continuity. In my fandoms (Harry Potter and Supernatural) I can also offer critique on how it fits with canon, if desired; in Harry Potter especially I am somewhat obsessive about fact-checking and know how to find information if I don't know it. For fiction in the sci-fi category, my biology major and extreme geekiness about all things science may or may not come in handy, depending on the story; I also have random skills that may be helpful, like a fairly good (albeit rusty) grasp of Spanish and a tiny bit of Latin.

Aside from Harry Potter and Supernatural, I have watched House M.D., The Office, and Dr. Who, though I am not active in those fandoms; for fanfiction based on books other than Harry Potter, please feel free ask if I've read them, since I may have at least a basic knowledge of the canon you're working with. I've also seen quite a few movies, but for manga/anime, it's pretty safe to assume I haven't read, seen, or even heard much about it. I would prefer to edit fanfiction from a fandom I know at least a little about, but I will definitely accept offers from fandoms I don't - so long as you don't mind that I have no previous knowledge of what you're working with.

I am thorough and brutally honest when editing; I edit to help you improve as a writer, not to boost your ego. That said, I will tell you when I think you've done something really well. I will read any rating, and I'm not easily squicked. For my short list of squicks and a few other HP/Supernatural specifics, please see this post - but in a lot of cases, I'm willing to read things that disturb me, if they are for the purpose of disturbing me. So if you have a piece that contains one or more of my squicks, feel free to tell me about the story, and I will let you know if I'm willing to read it.

If you have any questions about the specifics of your work and whether I would be able to help you with them, please feel free to get in contact with me. Also, if you write in one of my fandoms and we have many of the same tastes (pairings, genres, etc) I would be willing to consider being a more long-term beta, assuming you like the way I work.

NOTE: Please give story details (most importantly, word count) in your offer. I would be willing to entertain multiple offers if the word count does not exceed 20,000 to be edited in total (10,000 words each from 2 people, or 5,000 each from 3-4 people).

Delivery: depending on my schedule, the length of the story, and how many corrections it needs, I generally get drafts back to authors within a range of 1 week to 1 month after receiving it.

Contact: xtinguishedflame [at] yahoo [dot] com

Minimum bid: $15

Buy it now: $75

offered: critique, seller: hecticity, fandom: any, book: harry potter, tv: supernatural

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