Offered: fanfic

Jun 30, 2008 18:51

Offer: I will write a series of linked 100-word drabbles, with a total length of at least 1000 words, in one of the following fandoms: Pirates of the Caribbean, Temeraire, Star Wars (either trilogy, but not the expanded universe), or Star Trek (original series).

Tell me the character(s) or pairing you want and give me a theme that lends itself to a series of very short stories (deadly sins and cardinal virtues, times of the day, signs of the Zodiac), or I'll pick the theme on my own. I'll write you something like this (het and slash, adult content) or this (slash, not explicit).

I'll do any characters or pairing from PotC, any characters or non-cross-species pairing from Temeraire (although I can write human-dragon relationships with romantic overtones), any characters or non-incest pairing from Star Wars (I can do Luke/Leia UST), and any characters from Star Trek but only Kirk/Spock or Sarek/Amanda as pairings. (What can I say, the OTPs of my childhood die hard.)

I reserve the right to post your drabble series to my journal/website and other communities after I've sent it to you.

Contact: penknife at gmail dot com

Delivery: I will have your story written by October 1.

Minimum bid: $10.

Buy It Now: $100.

book: temeraire, tv: star trek tos, movie: star wars, movie: pirates of the caribbean, seller: penknife, offered: fanfic

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