Offer: I will write a story of not less than 3000 words in Saiyuki/Saiyuki Reload/Saiyuki Gaiden or Antique Bakery
Saiyuki+ Gaiden: I am happy to write most characters and time periods from Saiyuki and Saiyuki Reload manga, although I'm not too interested in Hazel. I will also happily write most things from gen to scurrilous porn, including m/m, f/f, or m/f and a whole gamut of kinks including genderswap, hooker fic etc. Pairings I find rather too challenging to write are Sanzo/Hakkai or Sanzo/Goku.
Antique Bakery: I'm most interested in writing Tachibana/Ono and least interested in Eiji. I'm open to suggestions on pairings and ratings.
I'm also happy to write original m/m, or playing in au story universes I've already created.
Antique Bakery Contact: louiselux at gmail dot com
Delivery: by September 1st
Minimum bid: $10
Buy it now: $50