Offered: Fanfic/Original fiction

Jun 30, 2008 14:13

I am offering fanfic in the following fandoms: Gundam Wing, any of Jane Austen's novels, Full Metal Alchemist, Harry Potter, Torchwood, Doctor Who, The Dark Is Rising, Shakespeare, and Good Omens. Examples of my fic can be found at and on my LJ,


I won't (can't, really) write pr0n, but I'm able to write most other types of fic.

Also, as an alternative, original fiction with any genre but horror or mystery.

I will write at least 2000 words of gen or slash (het if it's in Jane Austen, I mean really...) and if you have a fandom I don't have listed that you think I might be familiar with (like Jabberwocky, see), I'm willing to see if it's something I can do.


Delivery: by 1 November 08

Minimum Bid: $5

Buy it now: $50

book: pride and prejudice, other: shakespeare, anime or manga: gundam wing, offered: original fiction, book: good omens, tv: doctor who, anime or manga: fullmetal alchemist, seller: telyanofcelore, offered: fanfic, book: dark is rising, tv: torchwood

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