Offered: Fanart

Jun 30, 2008 01:56

Offer: I will draw digital fanart from the following fandoms: Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell, the Nightrunner Series, or Final Fantasy X (any pairing with Rin). No restriction on characters or pairings with the exception of FFX. Your request can be to illustrate a scene from the books, from a fic in any of these fandoms, or just a portrait of your favorite one or two characters. The only condition is that the image should not be rated above R.

The buyer will receive a full-sized file (3400px/300dpi) in either RGB or CMYK color mode as requested, and up to three smaller files in the sizes you request in 72dpi suitable for posting on the web.

Here's a link to a few examples of my recent work:

Contact: mathia [dot] art [at] gmail [dot] com

Delivery: The files will be e-mailed by September 30th.

Minimum Bid: $20

Buy It Now: $90

seller: mathia, book: jonathan strange & mr norrell, book: nightrunner, game: final fantasy x, offered: fanart

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