Offered: Poetry

Jun 27, 2008 23:59

Offer: I will write a sonnet for you. You give me a set of 3-5 prompts -- I pick the one I feel I can best do justice to within 14 rhymed lines. Prompts can be fandom-derived (Harry Potter, The Dark Is Rising, Pride and Prejudice, Lord Peter Wimsey, or Sherlock Holmes) or original; any rating. I will post/publish it at my IJ and/or elsewhere as I see fit; you may distribute it wherever you like as long as I'm listed as its author.

Samples of my work: Ten Teas (part 10), The Pauli Effect, A Particular Truth - 1941

Contact: bronze.ribbons at gmail dot com

Delivery: by 31 December

Minimum bid: $14

ETA: Won by musigneus. Thank you so much to everyone who bid!

offered: original poetry, seller: bronze_ribbons, book: harry potter, book: sherlock holmes, book: dorothy l. sayers, book: dark is rising

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