Offered: Fanfic

Jun 26, 2008 23:09

Offer: I will write you a fanfic of no less than 5000 words in the following fandoms: Prince of Tennis, Petshop of Horrors, The Dresden Files, Harry Potter, Pride and Prejudice, Firefly. I don't do any non-con or hardcore kinks, but I am willing to go up to an NC-17 rating if you so choose. I'll write pretty much any pairing from my given series; het, yaoi, yuri, genderbending, you name it. I'll also happily write gen and friendship fic. I will write canonverse, crossovers, or virtually any type of AU (historical, sci-fi/fantasy, fairy tale, anything) you request. My fics can be found at my journal or in my memories (incomplete). If a fic you would like to read to assess my style is friends-locked, tell me and I will unlock it for you!

Feel free to email me if you have any questions about what I am or am not willing/able to write! If you want me to write for a fandom not listed here, let me know and I'll see if I'm familiar enough with the characters. I reserve the right to post your fic at my LJ/personal archive, with dedications and profuse thanks to this community and to you.

Contact: kishtrethya[at]gmail[dot]com

Delivery: I will have your story written by December 1st, and probably well before then. I'll send it to you or post it in whatever form you would like, and if you want a hard copy, I can do that too!

Minimum bid: $10.

seller: kishmet, book: pride and prejudice, anime or manga: petshop of horrors, tv: firefly, book: dresden files, book: harry potter, offered: fanfic, anime or manga: prince of tennis

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