Offered: Fanfic

Jun 26, 2008 19:42

Offer: I will write a piece of fanfiction set in the Harry Potter verse, of at least 5,000 words, probably more. I will write your choice of Het, Slash or Gen, but you might want to check out my journal to find out strengths and weaknesses (for example, I'm better at slash than het). I don't write hardcore kinks (scat, watersports etc) but anything else is fair game. As it's your fic, you can send me as many parameters as you like. I will email you a copy, and post a hard copy if you so wish, but request that you do not archive it online - I'll archive it at my journal, making clear it was written for you.

Contact: softlysweetly [@] hotmail [dot] co [dot] uk

Delivery: by 1st October 2008

Minimum bid: £5/$10

Buy It Now: £50/$100

movie: harry potter, seller: softly_sweetly, book: harry potter, offered: fanfic

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