SOLD! Offered: A Year of Fic

Jul 14, 2008 08:01

Better late than never!

Also, with a nod to nanthimus...

Offer: One year of fanfiction, including some rare fandoms. Once a month I will write you a ficlet (defining a ficlet as a work of 101-1000 words, though possibly more) in one of the following fandoms. It can be 12 ficlets in the same fandom, or 12 different fandoms; you may choose the fandom and characters and subject from month to month as the mood strikes.

Please note: any pairings/characters after a fandom indicate what I’m most comfortable with in that fandom, but all fandoms listed are negotiable as to characters or content.

-The Boondock Saints - Connor/Murphy
-Buffy the Vampire Slayer - Spike/Buffy, or any character (caveat: will only pair Spike with Drusilla, Angel(us) or Buffy)
-Chronicles of Narnia (book-verse only!)
-Chronicles of Prydain
-Gatchaman - Joe/Ken, or any character
-Good Omens - Crowley/Aziraphale, or any character
-Hands Off! (manga) - Tatsuki/Kotarou, Yuuto
-Ladyhawke (movie)
-Lord of the Rings - Boromir/Faramir, or any character
-Robin Hood, Prince of Thieves
-Robotech (or original Japanese versions - SDF Macross, SDC Southern Cross, Genesis Climber Mospaeda)
-Voltron (Lion Voltron or Vehicle Voltron)

Fandoms I'm less comfortable in, but still willing to try:
-Bubblegum Crisis (originals only! not 2040)
-DNA^2 (anime)
-Fushigi Yugi (both seasons and both OAVs)
-Kodacha: Sana's Stage (manga-verse only!)
-Mars (manga)
-Saiyuki (manga-verse only!)
-Sensual Phrase (manga-verse only!)
-Weiss Kreuz (original TV series and Gluhen only)
-Yoroiden Samurai Troopers (aka Ronin Warriors)

What I’ll write: Slash, het, gen, femmeslash. Ratings may vary from G to NC-17. I can and frequently do write incest. Most of my fics are angst, pr0n or fluff, though I can also do drama and light hurt/comfort. Comedy and serious action/adventure are a little iffy, but I’ll give it a shot. Crossovers within the fandoms listed above are also do-able.

What I won’t write: shota, BDSM, furry. Other kinks or anything you’re not sure of, please ask!

Examples of my writing can be found on my LJ and/or my website.

Delivery: One ficlet per month from August ’08 to August ’09, emailed directly to you. If you have no qualms with me sharing with the rest of the world, I’ll also post on my LJ.

Contact: randi2204 @

Minimum bid: $5.00
Buy it now bid: $50.00

book: narnia, tv: buffy the vampire slayer, book: chronicles of narnia, movie: lord of the rings, anime or manga: kodocha, movie: boondock saints, book: good omens, anime or manga: weiss kreuz, anime or manga: saiyuki, book: lord of the rings, tv: firefly, anime or manga: mars, anime or manga: fushigi yugi, offered: fanfic

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