Offered: Fanfic

Jul 13, 2008 19:12

Offer: I can promise to write a personalized fanfic of almost any length (probably about 60 pages would be the limit, except under certain  circumstances--aka: me liking the plot) in any of the following shows: House, Bones and Saiyuki though I have way more experience with the House ones. Could also write fics for a bunch of different anime shows, and some other TV shows. also, a lot of fantasy books. Ask me to be sure. I'll write het, slash, gen, femslash, anything...The only things I can't write well are smut/graphic sex and death!fics. Apparently, i am very good a writing Pain!fic (mostly in House MD), and complex medical stuff.

Contact:, or (I'll reply from the yahoo one, but I'll see ones at faster)

Delivery: It depends on the length, but I'm a pretty fast writer. A twenty page fic can take from a day to a month, depending on the style, familiarity with the characters/pairing/setting/etc... only thing is that everything must be done over email/web.

Minimum bid: $5.

Buy It Now: $35.

offer: fanfiction, tv: house md, tv: bones, anime or manga: saiyuki

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