Offer: Editing

Jul 13, 2008 11:31

Offer: Editing services for one year, or for 100,000 words, whichever comes first. I will perform a line-edit, noting spelling and grammatical errors, awkward phrasings, continuity errors, style issues, and other word-level problems. If you are writing in a fandom with which I am familiar (see list below) or you are writing original fiction, I'll also make comments on plot and characters. (I will edit fanfic for fandoms with which I am not familiar, but I can't provide more than a line-edit for those, since I can't comment on character and plot.) By day, I'm a professional technical writer, so I'm pretty comfortable critiquing for readability, grammar, spelling, and style -- my ability to critique plot and character is just that of an amateur fiction writer and voracious reader. If you want to eyeball my writing chops, examples are sorted by tag.

I will review any content, including explicit sex, except the following: rape/non-con/dub-con, RPS, or sex between a child and an adult. (I am not fussy about older teenagers.) Incest is also generally out, though I make exceptions for mythological fiction (Zeus/Hera is fine).

I'll accept a long work, several shorter works, or chunks of a serial work in progress -- basically, you can keep sending me stuff for editing until July 15, 2009 or until you've sent me a total of 100,000 words, whichever comes first.

My fandoms are Fullmetal Alchemist, Final Fantasy VII, Digital Devil Saga, Kingdom Hearts, Discworld, Dragaera, Elfquest, Babylon 5, and various mythological, literary or folk/fairy tale fandoms.

Contact: sister dot coyote at gmail dot com

Shipping: From the time I receive a piece of fiction, I will reply within one week per 10,000 words for review. (There may be exceptions over the course of the year, if I go on vacation or am otherwise temporarily unavailable; I'll make you aware of those as they come up.)

Starting bid: $10

Buy It Now: $100

game: digital devil saga, offered: copy-editing, other: medieval literature, offered: beta, other: mythology, seller: sister_coyote, book: dragaera, other: fairy tales, anime or manga: fullmetal alchemist, book: discworld, tv: babylon 5, game: final fantasy vii, offered: editing

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