Offered: Recipe booklet, baking and cooking

Jul 13, 2008 09:23

So, interestingly enough, there seems to be as much interest in the recipes themselves as the baked goods. As I have a bunch of good baking recipes and some good cooking recipes, I thought I'd make a last minute offer of a booklet with recipes in.

Cookies (ginger snaps, lemon cornmeal, mocha chip... and others), muffins (blueberry, jam-filled, lemon-poppyseed... and more), and other recipes (fresh tomato pie, marshmallows...)

All in one fun, pretty booklet.

It'll be done by September 1 (probably earlier, as I have school before that, but I don't want to rush it).

Starting bid: $10

Buy it Now: $40

offered: cookbook, seller: stasia

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