Offer: A-book-a-month

Jul 12, 2008 15:19

I've seen a couple of these around and they seem to go well (as it is a wonderful idea):

Offer: Starting July, I'll send you one book a month for a year with a personalised note and random information about the book and the author. I'm a book-nut and my reading spans from classics, over pulp (I love thrillers) to speaculative fiction/science fiction. I've also started temping in a local bookstore recently and will be sufficiently informed about new releases/current developments if you're interested in a particular genre. I'm | | <- this short of completing my MA in sociology with a focus on eugnics, gender and race, so a lot of my reading in the past years has been in these fields and I feel comfortable reccing books for beginners/advanced readers in these areas. I'll send books in either English or German (if desired). You can also choose two months where you'll receive two books and a birthday/holiday card to go with them. :D

I'll also be available for discussion of said books, either via AIM, snail mail or email.

We'll talk beforehand what kinds of books you like and if you'd like to do themed reads. Since this community is awesome and I love books, I'll send new (or near-to-new if out of print) copies and hardcover/those with the prettiest composition when my budget permits it.

Minimum bid: USD 30
Buy it Now: USD 80SOLD: livredor for USD 120! Congratulations!
Contact: staubundsterne at gmail dot com
Delivery: Book train will start as soon as bidding is over.

offered: book, offered: correspondence

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