Offered: Poetry Critique

Jul 11, 2008 10:27

mer-moon and I are offering to thoroughly critique up to five poems from the winner within a month of their receipt. We can correspond with you beforehand to determine any specific kinds of feedback you're looking for, and will touch on the following (partially gakk'd from bloodied-eden, because she put it so well):

• Points you need to work on
• Points where you excel
• Suggestions/advice on how to improve
• Recommendations as to markets we think would be a good match to your work.

Qualifications: in addition to writing poetry ourselves (and reading very eclectically) we co-edit a quarterly journal dedicated to fantastical poetry, called Goblin Fruit. Many of the poems we publish have received Honourable Mentions in The Year's Best Fantasy and Horror, edited by Ellen Datlow, Kelly Link and Gavin Grant, and eight of the poems published in 2007 have been nominated for the Rhysling Award and are being showcased in the 2008 anthology. We're both workshop-savvy, and I hold a Master's degree in English Literature from the University of Ottawa.

ETA: For all that fantasy/mythic poetry's what we're most used to seeing, your poems needn't be fantasy at all.

Contact: amalmohtar at gmail dot com

Delivery: via e-mail, one month from receipt of the poems (and after confirmation of donation)

Starting bid: $10

Current bid: $10

offered: critique

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