Offer: Fanfiction/Drabbles

Jul 10, 2008 21:35

After seeing this post, I felt like I could make one more offer.

Offer: One year of fanfiction. Once a month I will write you a ficlet (in this case, a ficlet is 101-1000 words) of the following fandoms (your choice, although I would very much prefer a mixture of different fandoms instead of focusing on just one):

Petshop of Horrors (Count D/Leon, Chris, T-chan)
Live Free or Die Hard (John/Matt)
Avatar: The Last Airbender (Zuko/Aang, Zuko/Jin, Jet/Zuko, Jet/Aang, Sokka/Yue, Aang/Katara, Sokka/Aang, Mai/Ty Lee, Azula/Ty Lee, Zuko/Aang/Katara with Aang planted firmly in the middle)
Final Fantasy VIII (any combination of Squall, Zell, Seifer, Selphie, Irvine, Quistis, and Rinoa)
Final Fantasy XII (Balthier/Vaan, Basch/Vaan, Balthier/Vaan/Basch, Fran/Penelo, gen)
Princess Princess (Yuujiro/Tooru, Mikoto/Megumi, gen) ~ I am familiar only with the anime
GetBackers (Ban/Ginji, Akabane/Ginji, Ban/Ginji/Akabane, gen) ~ I am familiar only with the first season of the anime
Cardcaptor Sakura (Eriol/Syaoran, Syaoran/Sakura, Touya/Yukito, Touya/Yue/Yukito, Tomoyo/Sakura)
Let Dai (Dai/Jaehee, Naru/Eunhyung)
Gundam Wing (1x2, 3x4, 5x2, 13x5, 2xHilde)
Slayers (Lina/Gourry, Xellos/Filia, Zelgadis/Amelia, Lina/Amelia, Xellos/Zelgadis, gen) ~ I am familiar only with the anime
Transformers (Bumblebee/Sam, Optimus Prime/Sam - holo forms preferred) ~ I am familiar only with the 2007 movie
Yami no Matsuei (Tsuzuki/Hisoka, Tatsumi/Hisoka, Tatsumi/Watari)
Kyou Kara Maoh (Conrad/Yuuri, Wolfram/Yuuri, Gwendal/Yuuri, Gwendal/Gunter) ~ I am familiar only with the first season of the anime
Demon Diary (Eclipse/Raenef, Lord Krayon/Erutis, gen)
Legal Drug (Rikuo/Kazahaya)

I will write slash, femmeslash, het, or gen. Ratings may go from G to NC-17. I'm open to light kinks but can't write the following: hardcore non-con, human excrement, fisting, or serious mpreg (crack is okay!). I specialize in fluff and romance (and pr0n!) but I am capable of darker fiction.

Examples of my writing can be found in my IJ taglist.

Delivery: From September '08 to September '09. One drabble/ficlet for each month, although I don't have a set date for delivery; that would spoil the surprise! But you will get a ficlet from me in your inbox each month. Feel free to repost it anywhere you like, so long as you mention nanthimus and livelongnmarry in your post somewhere. :)

Contact: nanthimus (at)

Minimum Bid: $5

Edit: This offer does not include Harry Potter. The offer (just like this one) that includes HP is here. Sorry for the confusion; I just copy/pasted my last pimping comment and forget to delete HP from it. :)

movie: die hard, game: final fantasy xii, game: final fantasy viii, anime or manga: let dai, seller: nanthimus, offered: drabbles, anime or manga: gundam wing, anime or manga: cardcaptor sakura, tv: avatar the last airbender, anime or manga: getbackers, anime or manga: petshop of horrors, anime or manga: kyou kara maoh, book: harry potter, anime or manga: yami no matsuei, offered: fanfic, anime or manga: princess princess

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