OFFERED: care package, and kitty toys

Jul 08, 2008 14:15

There are two offers:

#1 Offer: This seems to be going over well, so I will send you a care package.  I live in the puget sound area in Washington, but will be moving back to Arizona in a couple of weeks, so the package can be either pacific northwest -inspired, southwest-inspired, or a combination of the two.

examples of pacific northwest things:   salmon, local jams or honeys, native american art paraphenalia (the totem art drawings are cool), anything else you can think of...

examples of southwestern things:  chiles (dried, powdered or seeds to grow some!), torilla press, molinillo (sp?), touristy things, sw native american art paraphenalia (maybe even a small stone fetish) and anything else you can think of.

I will be able to better tell once I have correspondence from you.

Minimum bid: $20

Delivery: due to my move, it will probably be around mid-August.

#2 Offer:  3 felted cat toys and a baggie of really good catnip (hotnip brand) to rub them in.  I don't have any pictures of them, but they look something like this.

Minimum bid: $5

Delivery:  I will try my best to send before I move on july 18, but if not then around the mid-August.

Contact: My email is in my user info.

HUrray for all the charity love here!!! I am amazed at all of the generous offers!

offered: care package

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