Offered: Stargate Atlantis Fanfic

Jul 08, 2008 06:19

Late to the party, but my excuse is that I hadn't realized there was one. :)

Offer: I'll write you a fanfic of no less than 1,000 words in Stargate Atlantis. You get to pick any or all of the following: gen/slash/femmeslash/het, pairing/threesome/whatever-some, rating, genre, plot. I write mostly McKay and Sheppard, but I love the whole ensemble and anything you want is fine pairing-wise. Crossovers with SG1 are fine, too.

If you want a higher rating: I love kink, so feel free to request a specific one. If you want a higher rating and aren't into kink, no worries. And if you want no sex or pairings at all? I gotcha covered. If you have a very specific kink request, message me or comment in advance so I can make sure you haven't hit one of my (like, three) squicks and tell you ASAP.

Here, here, and here are a few examples of my recent writing. Feel free to peruse the LJ.

Contact: Email me at ismene[dot]truth[at]gmail[dot]com, or for a faster response time, LJ message me.

Delivery: I'll have your story written and beta-read by November 1, emailed to you in whatever format you'd like, and reserve the right to post it to my LJ one month after delivery.

Minimum bid: $5

Buy it Now: $50

tv: stargate: atlantis, offered: fanfic

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