Offered: Letters, layout, beta-reading, original fiction, fanfiction, fanmixing.

Jul 07, 2008 11:57

Offer: There are several things I'm willing to do, so here's the list--

Write a letter a month for a year, or a short story, whichever you'd prefer. I like to include little things when I can afford it, too.

Design a webpage layout, with layout images, and icons or link buttons to go with it, compatible with Mozilla Firefox and Internet Explorer. Any fandom or none. (Not LJ/IJ/JF, though I'm willing to do headers and/or icons for them.)

Be a beta-reader-on-retainer for up to six months, for character and plot in any fandom of the ones listed below, proof-reader and grammar/spelling editing for any fandom or none, any pairing, up to 20,000 words per month.

Write original fiction, poetry and/or fanfiction, at request, specifically gen, het or femmeslash (and possibly a little manslash, if really wanted). Ratings from G/K/U to NC-17/MA/18 (please no lengthy manslash porn requests). From a sentence to 1000 words (though I'm better at short and can sometimes go a little longer). I'm also willing to make fanmixes for the fandoms in question, between 6 and 12 songs per mix.

'Familiarity with' (to the extent of at least trying to write) fandoms:
Battlestar Galactica (2003) (up to 'Revelations' + speculation)
Chalet School
CSI (s1-6)
CSI: Miami (s1-4)
CSI: NY (s1- two-thirds of the way through 4)
Final Fantasy I through XII & The Spirits Within (with the exceptions of III, XI and the 'named' game instalments)
Guy Gavriel Kay (haven't written/mixed but would try)
Harry Potter (HWBWT)
Lois McMaster Bujold (pref. WGW and/or 5GU; I'm not comfortable writing Miles, but I'd try if really wanted)
Diane Duane (esp. Young Wizards and/or Harbinger trilogy)
Matrix trilogy (will try Animatrix if wanted)
Wicked (book and musical)
Firefly (mostly femmeslash)
NCIS (s1-4, HWBWT)
Stargate Atlantis (up to end of s3, nothing to do with Irresistible and no Sheppard/McKay please)

Graphic/layout design: here, here & here, icons here.
Writing: here.

Contact: trialia @ or message me through my profile here.

Delivery: Depends on what's requested, what's decided on by the bidder and the length or difficulty of the request. Drabbles: August 31. 300-1000 words or fanmixes: October 31. Beta-reading and/or letter-writing: ongoing. Layout/graphic design depends on specific requirements.

Minimum bid (per item): $5

Buy it now: letters: $50, beta-reading: $50, fic: $15 x2, layout: $30.

High bid: layout: $20, fic: $15

offered: web design, offered: layouts, offered: music, offered: misc services, offered: fanfic, offered: beta, offered: original fiction

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