Offered: beta; offered: fanfic

Jul 07, 2008 01:02

Offer: I will beta one multi-chaptered Transformers G1 (cartoon) or Transformers 2007 fan fic or three one shot fan fics. I have no professional experience but I have betaed on and off since I've gotten involved in fandoms and I'm usually my own beta.

I will also offer advice and/or suggestions for your plot if you wish. Anyone who knows me will know I'm not short on ideas.

Strengths: Plot development, spelling, and (if I'm familiar with the character) keeping the 'voice' of the character as it should be (for example, Perceptor's speech patterns).

Weaknesses: Action scenes, sexual scenes, technical knowledge (don't expect me to know how Perceptor's or Wheeljack's inventions should work). I don't mind sex scenes or action scenes, I just have trouble writing them myself so I couldn't offer advice.

Ratings I'll Beta: Gen or Slash - G to NC-17; Het - G to PG (I'm not terribly fond of Het, but I'm willing to beta it).

Time it'll take me to get your fic back to you: This depends on the length. We'll discuss it.

Contact: cheysuli [dot] night [at] gmail [dot] com

Minimum Bid: $5


Offered: One 1,000 word fic or ten drabbles (each drabble around 100 words) in the Transformers G1 (cartoon) fandom. You may choose the plot or you can request sequels of my previous fics.

Strengths: Emotional scenes, plots.

Weakness: Action scenes, sexual scenes, technical knowledge.

Ratings I'll Write: Gen or Slash - G to R; Het - G to PG (again, I'm not fond of it, but I have written it before when requested).

Time it'll take to complete your fics/drabbles: If the main character you choose is one I'm familiar with, it should take me one to two weeks to complete your requests. If your main character is someone I haven't written before, it'll take a bit longer as I'll have to do some research on the character.

You can find examples of my work at
kirin_saga  or here.

Contact: cheysuli [dot] night [at] gmail [dot] com

Minimum Bid: $5

tv: transformers, offered: fanfic, movie: transformers, offered: beta

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