Offered: Journal with writing/postcards

Jul 06, 2008 14:50

First offer: Along the same lines as this post, I'll buy a journal and decorate the cover, and fill it with drabbles, fics, and sketches/paintings, stick figure comic strips, letters, etc., from a fandom of your choice.   I might include little crafty things like a character portrait painted on canvas, or handmade booklets, etc.  I have lots of colorful pens~

My fic archive is here, and here's a sample of my artwork (not spectacular, I'm afraid >__>).

My fandoms include: Prince of Tennis, Harry Potter, The Sentinel, Saiyuki, Viewfinder, Mirage of Blaze, Wild Adapter, Sailor Moon.  I'm also familiar with other fandoms, so just ask, ne?

Minimum bid: $15

Second offer: I'll send you 12 personalised postcards from Hawaii based on your interests or fandoms in a period of a year, starting in August.  They may be handmade and include colored sketches of characters I know you like.

Minimum bid: $10


For both of these, I'd of course have to get to know you first.  We can get to know one another by email or phone.  =)

Deliver: I'll get the book out to you some time around Christmas (though probably earlier), an the postcards will go out monthly. 

fandom: any, anime or manga: saiyuki, tv: the sentinel, seller: crystalusagi, book: harry potter, offered: fanfic, offered: letters, offered: journal, offered: misc items, anime or manga: prince of tennis

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