Offered: Fanfic; Offered: Podfic

Jul 05, 2008 11:49

Offer: I will write fanfic of no less than 1000 words (as others have said, probably more, knowing me!) to your specifications in the Stargate: Atlantis fandom, slash, gen, or het (note: I've not written femmeslash or threesomes, and I don't want to experiment on your dime!*). Ps. Crackfic prompts and AU prompts are as welcome as 'normal' ones :)

My preferred pairing is John/Rodney, but I'm willing to give a go at pretty much any pairing you request. Preferred characters are 'Team Sheppard' (alone or together! hee), Sam, Jennifer, Lorne, and Zelenka.

Things I won't write: very dark fic/death fic (might be negotiable depending on prompt), poly pairings except for OT4*, incest, underage, etc.

Samples: Wraithbait, or fic tags on my journal.

Contact: My email is in my user info, as are the multitudes of instant messenger programs that I'm typically logged into all day.

Delivery: I will have your story written by September 1.

Minimum bid: $5.

Offer: I will turn a story of yours (or by another author if they've given permission and are comfortable with the idea) into a podfic. Any rating, any fandom, any length, though the delivery date would need to be pushed back for anything over 30,000 words.

Samples: My own fic (right click, save as from the directory page please), and original fic by kallysten (music and effects added by kallysten).

Contact: My email is in my user info, as are the multitudes of instant messenger programs that I'm typically logged into all day.

Delivery: I will be honest here: I can't start this project until August. However, barring extenuating circumstances (length, computer explosion, etc.), delivery of podfic will be by October 1, probably sooner.

Minimum bid: $5.

Buy It Now: $30

seller: darsynia, offered: podfic, fandom: any, tv: stargate: atlantis, offered: fanfic

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