Offer: Fanfic

Jul 05, 2008 01:19

Offer: I will write fic(lets) of 5000 words or more (and look, this is me, unless I'm really uninspired, it's probably gonna be more) in bandom, SGA, CM, HP, GW. Please pay attention to pairing availability below.

Breakdowns of what characters/pairings I'll write is as follows:

Bandom: All MCR members, I will not write Waycest, all PATD members, Pete, any of the Hushies, Gabe, Vicky, Alex, and Tom Conrad. Band xovers welcome, but I will not write Pete/Ryan.

SGA: John, Ronon

Criminal Minds: Any except Gideon and Rossi.

HP: Snape/Hermione, Ron/Draco.

GW: All the pilots, and Une. I'll ask for a pairing/character and will write to your provided prompt/scenario. Crossovers and threesomes/moresomes duly welcome. Slash, gen and het welcome. You can, if you want, request something from an existing verse of mine.

Contact: My email is in my user info.

Delivery: I will have your story written by November 1.

Minimum bid: $25.

tv: stargate: atlantis, book: harry potter, tv: criminal minds, offered: fanfic, seller: arsenicjade, rps: bandom, anime or manga: gundam wing

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