SOLD!! Offer: Fiction Critique from a Historical Perspective. SOLD!!

Jul 04, 2008 23:41

Offer: If you have an AU set in the 1940s, or your fandom takes place in Korea during the war, or about writers in WWI, and you don't want to spend a ton of time doing research (or just want your research checked), this is for you.

I will read a story/manuscript for historical accuracy, as well as just giving you a thorough beta (if you want)!

Qualifications: My areas of expertise are almost anything set during/before any war. I am better with history set outside of the US (modern Euro was my concentration), but do know American history fairly well (especially war/foreign policy/the 40s). I also know a lot about South Asia, Russia, the Pacific, and Japan. (My knowledge of cultural and historical information is time-specific, as I'm really all about context.) Post-French Revolution is where my strengths are, but I've taken so many classes, I can almost do any period. I also am very well versed with all genocides, including the Holocaust (Jewish focus and country-specific), and Rwanda, the history of antisemitism, Zionism and the "inter-war period" world-wide.

I have a degree from Columbia in Modern European History, and have worked as a research assistant on various manuscripts, including the upcoming manuscript from Carol Gluck on the conflicts between history and memory. I wrote my thesis on the history/memory conflict in France regarding the French-Algerian war. I can read and write in French, and sincerely LOVE history (it's my free-time passion).

This is open to any fandom or original story, as history is everywhere!


Delivery: Three to four weeks turn-around time, depending on length, need, and schedule. Offer open until needed. Please feel free to ask any questions, dates, etc!

Buy Now: $50 SOLD!

offered: critique, seller: furies, offered: misc services

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