Offered: Fiction critique from a Psychological Perspective

Jul 04, 2008 22:43

Offer: Do you have a story that deals with a character and some psychological issue? Ever wondered what the side effects of PTSD really look like? Have a fascination with characters who are psychiatrists, or see one?

I will read a story/manuscript for psychological accuracy, and can suggest ways to support what you want to have happen. (I will also not be afraid to tell you that it is highly unlikely that would happen, but suggest ways to make it more plausible.)

My Qualifications: My areas of expertise are PTSD following major trauma (9/11 was my training ground) in children and adults, severe low-functioning autism/MR to high functioning aspberger's, psychopharmacology, interaction between schools and students with needs, eating disorders, borderline personality disorder, self-injury and suicide. I am particularly well-versed with cognitive behavior therapy, as well as dialectial behavior therapy.

I am have the equivalent of a MA in psychology from Rutgers-NB and worked at Cornell Weill Medical College/New York Pres, Columbia-Presbyterian, and the New York State Psychiatric Institute. I will eventually get my clinical Ph.D. but am currently working with ABA and verbal behavior as a speech therapist. I have worked on inpatient and outpatient units, and have come in contact with almost every possible illness. Last summer I went the APA convention and learned A LOT, and also took a workshop with Dr. Marsha Linehan on DBT (she is the founder).

I'm also very familiar with the history of psychiatry/psychology, so if you story isn't set in the present, no worries! I can tell you what terms would be used by doctors, what was in the different versions of the DSM, (what the DSM is), pretty much anything I don't know, I have books on and know tons of people in the field, so your questions will be answered!

I've offered this service to others as a "mental-health beta" and they have always been pleased with the results. (You can ask!)

I know Battlestar Galactica, M*A*S*H, West Wing, Alias, the L Word, Gilmore Girls, The Office, any reality show, the Sopranos, In Treatment, Criminal Minds, Bones, Sports Night, XF, the Prentender, One Tree Hill the best . . . oh, I pretty much know a little about everything. (the fic that I have written can be found at, but I know a lot more - for example, I have worked on more than a few S&A stories despite having never seen a seen an episode of the show.)

EDIT: I am MORE than happy to do the critique on original work, or movie/book fandoms.


Delivery: Three to four weeks turn-around time, depending on length, need, and schedule. Offer open until needed. Please feel free to contact me with any questions, dates, etc!

Minimum Bid: $20

offered: critique, seller: furies, offered: misc services

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