Offered: Fanfic

Jul 04, 2008 23:58

Offer: I will write a fanfic of no less than 1000 words (probably more) to your specifications. Fandoms are Stargate Atlantis John/Rodney, Stargate Atlantis RPS Joe/David or Hewligan fic (i.e. Joe Flanigan character/David Hewlett character). Links to my previous work can be found here.

What I'll write:

General: I'm an OTPer. No threesomes/OT4/moresomes. OTP-character/other only if it's canon or a plot point for jealousy/backstory/etc (and then not as true love).

John/Rodney: Just about anything with a happy ending (and no cheating). Almost any kink.

Joe/David: UST, cheating or post divorce/breakup. If you would like to request something else, contact me and I'll see if we could work something out that works for both of us.

Hewligan: Only non-SGA characters and no RPS. I can do any couple provided I have the source material (i.e. the movie or tv show) for both. Please contact me if you want to request Hewligan and are not sure.

My previous fics should be a good guide to the type of fic I write. If you are unsure if I would write your particular request, contact me and I'll let you know.

I reserve the right to post the story with credit to you, the buyer, but you're welcome to have it all to yourself for up to a month after delivery (or you can post it yourself if you'd like to, crediting me for writing it).

Contact: gschulzmultimedia at gmx dot de

Delivery: I will have your story written by December 1, 2008 (probably a lot earlier, it depends on how long it turns out to be).

Minimum bid: $10

Buy It Now: $70

seller: velocitygrass, tv: stargate: atlantis, offered: fanfic, rpf: stargate: atlantis

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