Offer: Editing or betareading

Jul 04, 2008 15:17

Offer: I'm offering betareading or copyediting services for any kind of document, whether fanfic, original fic, or nonfiction. I'm a freelance editor by profession, so I'm offering what I know. I'm not very good at the physical sciences, but anything literature, social science, arts, humanities, etc. is well within my editing abilities.

I'll betaread anything, but if it helps, the fandoms I'm most familiar with are Marvel comics, DC comics, Stargate, Doctor Who, Torchwood, Vorkosigan novels, Blood Ties (book and TV), Star Trek: Enterprise, Secret Adventures of Jules Verne, Eureka, Firefly, House, Hitchhiker's Guide, Liaden novels, West Wing, Buffy, Angel...and a few dozen more things. Feel free to ask about your fandom.

In terms of length...well, I'm a full-time mom and a part-time editor, so I'd say generally nothing longer than about 40,000-50,000 words. But if you bid enough, I'll edit your novel ;)

If you have any questions before you bid, drop me a line.

Contact: mara.greengrass @

Delivery: For every 5,000 words of text, add a day from the day I receive your document :D It might be sooner, but I want to be sure I'm not late.

Minimum bid: $20

seller: marag, offered: beta, offered: editing

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