Offer: Do you want to learn to cook? Or are you look for new and interesting recipes? Since I am incapable of following directions - even or perhaps especially while cooking - I learned to create new recipes from a young age - when my mother let me near the stove. For you, I will make a personalised cookbook - side dishes, main dishes, breads, drinks, baked goods, desserts, soups, even breakfast food! I specialise in comfort foods, especially when it comes to side dishes and baked good, but I've been known to also have grilled ginger-fennel haddock with fiddleheads, so you'll have to let me know what you like.
I won't send you a recipe I haven't tested out on several people and I'll also include information and instructions on how to change recipes to suit what you have in your pantry.
I have not attended cooking school nor ever taken a class in cooking (unless you count the summer classes which happened, by chance, to include how to cook/bake over an open hearth), but I have been cooking for years and my friends and family love it when I cook for them. (I will include my Christmas and Thanksgiving pie recipes as well as recipes for birthday cakes and special occasions, if you like.)
Note: I cook in a soy-free and pineapple-free kitchen.
After I send this to you (one hard copy and one e-mailed copy), I will be happy to be your cooking consult for up to one month, should any questions, problems, or excitements arise. Or if you just want to talk cooking.
You can see some of my recipes
Contact: tide . daughter @ gmail . com
Delivery: Up for discussion, October 1, tentatively (if you have strict dietary needs and I have research to do, it will be later)
Minimum Bid: $15
If bidding reaches $50, I will include two copies - one in a leatherbound journal and one of standard printed pages.