Offered: Crock pot cookbook

Jul 04, 2008 12:07

Offer: Good for novices or experts: I will create a personalized crock pot cookbook for you, of at least 20-25 multi-season recipes. ALL RECIPES will have been tested out by my family and will be delicious (I won't send anything we wouldn't eat)! I will need a list of foods you'll eat (meat, ingredients, etc) and a list of things you wont eat (due to allergies or otherwise). Please let me know the size of your crock-pot so I can send appropriate recipes (I can convert them from larger or smaller recipes). Also, let me know if you want to spend 5 minutes putting it together or don't mind 20 minutes (or more) of prep work--or if you'd like a mixture of both.

I LOVE my crock pot and use it at least three times a week (for the last 10 years). For a busy person it's an absolute life saver!

Contact: cooker_lady at

Delivery: I will have your cookbook ready to ship by September 1 if you'd like it mailed to you, or sooner if you'd like it emailed as a Word document. I will ship anywhere, world wide.

Minimum bid: $5.

offered: crock pot cookbook, offered: food, seller: dragonfly_lily, offered: misc items

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