Offered: Fanfic

Jul 04, 2008 00:52

Offer: I will write fanfic of no less than 5000 words in the following fandoms: Angel, Stargate Atlantis, Bandom, Criminal Minds, and Burn Notice.

Breakdowns of what characters/pairings I'll write is as follows:

Angel: Gunn, Fred, Lindsey, and Angel.

SGA: John, Ronon, Teyla, Cadman, Rodney and Lorne. I'm not much of a John/Rodney shipper, so other than that, have at it.

Bandom: MCR (any), Travis McCoy, Spencer Smith, Greta Salpeter, VickyT, Jamia, Amanda Palmer.

Criminal Minds: Any and all characters.

Burn Notice: Any and all characters, with the exception of Jason Bly.

I'll ask for a pairing/character and will write to your provided prompt/scenario. Crossovers welcome. Slash, gen and het welcome. You can, if you want, request something from an existing verse of mine.

Contact: My email is in my user info.

Delivery: I will have your story written by November 1.

Minimum bid: $25.

tv: angel, tv: burn notice, seller: idyll, tv: stargate: atlantis, tv: criminal minds, offered: fanfic, rps: bandom

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