Offered: Fanfic or Original Fic

Jun 25, 2008 09:56

Offer: gileonnen and vashtan will co-write one piece of fanfiction, original historical fiction, or original fantasy fiction, between 1000 and 5000 words in length. Fandoms include literary fiction (writers will familiarize themselves if they do not know the work already), mythology, and fairy tales. The winning bidder may instead choose to give the writers a general outline for an original historical or fantasy work.

While Gil and Vashtan will be willing to write fics rated G through NC-17, they are especially willing to write kinky fic of any kind, slight preference for m/m slash. There are some kinks--namely mpreg, cannibalism, scat, underage, necrophilia, and bestiality-- that they would be unwilling to write, but pretty much everything else is a go.

Contact: Anne_from_Xanth (AT) yahoo (DOT) com.

Delivery: Your story will be either e-mailed to you or else mailed by post by October 1.

Minimum Bid: $10.

Buy It Now: $75.

seller: gileonnen, other: greek mythology, book: other, offered: original fiction, other: fairy tales, offered: fanfic, seller: vashtan, other: world mythology

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