Offered: (More) Drabbles/Instant Gratification

Jul 03, 2008 13:52

I'm stealing this, because this is a brilliant idea.

(The original offer was here.

Offer: A drabble of between 100-500 words, to be written as soon as you request. If you're satisfied with the result, please donate $1 to the charity of your choice.

You may request characters, pairings, settings, feelings, or key words and phrases. I'll write almost anything.

Fandoms: Fandoms I have extensive familiarity with are the Final Fantasies between VI and IX (including Advent Children; I have some familiarity with Dirge of Cereberus, Crisis Core, and Before Crisis, but I know very little about the wacky new characters introduced therein), Pirates of the Caribbean, the Hannibal Lecter series (books or movies), Xiaolin Showdown, Harry Potter, The Incredibles, most anything by Guy Gavriel Kay, GI Joe, (cartoon or comic), Hellsing, and Indiana Jones.

I am less experienced with (or no longer as familiar with), but still willing to drabble in, Lord of the Rings, Buffy/Angel, Babylon 5, Kingdom Hearts, and X-Men.

Remember - if you don't like the way it turns out, please don't pay for it! Or just let me know where I went wrong, and I'll give it another shot!

Sample work: Most of my fic can be found here or here.

Contact: angelariel [at] gmail [dot] com

Delivery: 24-48 hours.

Buy It Now: $1

Note: You may order as many as you like, but no more than two at a time. I guarantee you the first one, but I reserve the future right to put an upper limit to number of requests I will take from each user.

ETA: I have most of these written, but I have cleverly FORGOTTEN MY NOTEBOOK. Barring further complications like the ones that ate my weekend, I should have everything posted tonight.

tv: angel, seller: angelari, comic: gi joe, tv: xiaolin showdown, offered: instant gratification, anime or manga: hellsing, game: final fantasy series, game: kingdom hearts series, movie: red dragon, movie: the incredibles, tv: babylon 5, book: the silence of the lambs, book: guy gavriel kay, tv: buffy the vampire slayer, movie: lord of the rings, offered: drabbles, movie: hannibal, movie: indiana jones series, comic: x-men, book: hannibal, movie: the silence of the lambs, tv: gi joe, book: harry potter, movie: pirates of the caribbean, offered: fanfic, book: red dragon

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