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Nothing like a challenge! :) thunderemerald July 3 2008, 20:17:29 UTC
For Anyone Who Wondered Whether Love Potions Were Really Dark Magic

“In this vial is just one drop, diluted in water, which means the effects won’t last more than approximately five to seven minutes.” Snape’s lip curled into a familiar sneer. “Who will be the lucky volunteer?”

“Victim, more like,” said Ron under his breath, and Harry gave him a dark look in return. They hadn’t had to volunteer to be subjected to Dark spells and potions and things in this class since fourth year, and the implicit comparison wasn’t entirely welcome.

Harry looked over at Hermione to see what she thought, but to his surprise, her hand was in the air.

Snape gave a soft chuckle. “Miss Granger, I see you’re willing as ever to contribute to the Gryffindor legacy of bravery and stupidity. Step forward.”

With a determined look on her face, Hermione strode to the front of the classroom, where Snape instructed her to choose someone to fall in love with. “Perhaps Potter, although everyone seems to be in love with him already?” he suggested.

She blinked, looking a little bit wrong-footed. Glancing over at Harry, she said, “Oh, right. Sure, Harry’s fine.”

Harry cast a sheepish look at Ron, who narrowed his eyes, but didn’t say anything.

Snape wordlessly handed Hermione the vial. “Keep your eyes on Potter as you drink, girl. This particular composition of the potion will direct your infatuation toward the first person you see after imbibing. The rest of you, watch closely. I’ve no doubt you’ve all thought yourselves madly in love at some point in your lives, but even your thick teenaged brains should be able to understand the difference between love and infatuation. Go on.”

Hermione raised the vial to her lips, but just before she drank, she turned and looked firmly at Snape. She swallowed.

Harry hadn’t thought it possible, but Snape seemed to grow a few shades paler.

A few seconds passed in which nothing happened. Harry held his breath, and he imagined the rest of the class was doing the same. Then, Hermione shifted. It was almost imperceptible, but Harry noticed. She leaned a little more into one hip, tilted her head slightly to one side, and lifted one side of her mouth in the sort of smile he’d often imaged on the likes of Cho Chang, but never on Hermione.

But that was nothing compared to the next words that came out of his friend’s mouth.

“I’ve been a bad girl, Professor,” said Hermione in a low voice.

There was a pause, in which you could have heard a pin drop - and then the entire class burst out laughing, Harry included. The only people not laughing were Hermione, who was batting her eyelashes furiously, and Snape, who looked frightened for his life.

It was Snape who reacted first, though. “PETRIFICUS TOTALUS!” he shouted, pointing his wand at Hermione. Harry reacted just quickly enough to catch her as she fell.

The next seven minutes were spent getting the class back in order, and Snape even gave it an extra five to make absolutely sure the potion had worn off, before setting Hermione free.

“Huh?” she said dizzily, as she came to.

“Detention,” seethed Snape. “See me after supper, Granger. Back to your seat.”

“Yes, Professor,” she said meekly, and she and Harry slunk back to their chairs.

Ron, whose face was bright red from held-in laughter, leaned over Harry to get a better look at Hermione. “Bad luck, that detention,” he whispered to her.

She flashed him a conspiratorial grin. “Oh, I wouldn’t say that,” she said airily, and smiled to herself as she picked up her quill and began writing furiously.

Harry couldn’t help but notice the little hearts she’d drawn across the top of her parchment, but he didn’t say anything. Girls, he decided, were entirely beyond his understanding.


Re: Nothing like a challenge! :) sulwen July 4 2008, 02:37:01 UTC
*SQUEE!* I love it, especially cunning!Hermione. Thanks for going outside your comfort zone for me. :-)

Off to donate now!


Re: Nothing like a challenge! :) thunderemerald July 4 2008, 17:28:58 UTC
Hurrah, I'm glad you like it! I don't think I've ever actually written Snape before -- that was fun! :)


Re: Nothing like a challenge! :) outofthisplace July 5 2008, 23:02:27 UTC
Oh my god, I am so in love with you! I may have to donate $1 for this story!!!


Re: Nothing like a challenge! :) thunderemerald July 7 2008, 14:17:06 UTC
Hey, anything for the cause! :)

I'm glad you like it!


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